Words from the Lord to His people,
as well as articles concerning Biblical Prophecy and the End Times.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

8-20-10 The Truth of Being Forgiven: A Word from the Lord

The Truth of Being Forgiven: A Word from the Lord

[Background: Almost every day since February, the Lord and I have a time alone to speak to one another. I call this time of ours “Here to Hear”. I begin by reading two devotionals, “Daily Light” by Bagster/Lotz, and “God Calling” by Two Listeners. Then I write out our conversations in a journal. I write what is on my heart, and I write down what I hear the Lord say to me. I do not hear Him in an audible voice (well, have not yet, anyway), but what I hear God say is as real to me as anything I hear anyone else speak to me audibly, and usually just as clear. The following is our conversation on August 20, 2010. I believe the Lord would have me share our conversation with you.]

Good morning, Lord! I was going to tell You that this morning our time must be short because I have to clean for the church party tonight. Then I realized to WHOM I was speaking. I realized the IMPORTANCE of our time together.

I am sorry Lord God. Nothing is of more importance in my day than our time together. And I know that if I am faithful to meet with You, You will miraculously ensure I have enough time for everything else.

Today’s “God Calling” was concerning forgiveness of myself. That the sense of shame and remorse because of my sin is a necessity to bring about a true repentance which completely turns away from that sin, but that I am NOT to wallow in that shame and remorse. I am to gladly accept Your forgiveness and move on.

If I do not forgive myself, then in a sense I am stating that I know better than You do! What pride!

This week Skip and I read the parable of the king’s debtor in Matthew. It is just like that, isn’t it? Well, similar anyway.

You, the Great King, forgave me of such a monstrously huge debt that I could never repay it. In Your grace, mercy, and love, You completely and totally forgave me that debt. You completely erased all signs of my debt from Your record books, and You chose to forget it Yourself – to wipe it from Your memory.

So what do I do? I go home and pull out my piggy bank. I place upon it a sign that reads “Repay God”, and then every day I place some “coins”, some sort of good deed or effort, into that piggy bank, feeling great sorrow about the debt I had – and feel I continue to have. I am determined to pay You back something that is IMPOSSIBLE for me to do.

But what is worse is that by doing this – by pulling out my “piggy bank” and daily placing “coins” in it – I am slapping You in the face! I am foolishly REJECTING Your gracious forgiveness!

You DO NOT WANT me to even think about the debt for which You have forgiven me. YOU don’t, so why would I?

Oh, simple and foolish human that I am! By wallowing in contempt for myself for sins for which I have truly asked forgiveness, and from which I am determined to allow Your Spirit to control … by wallowing in shame and remorse, self-contempt, and an unforgiveness of myself, I am pridefully spitting at the cross of Yeshua, spitting at His feet as He suffers and bleeds and dies for me.

Oh! Precious Savior! Forgive me for painfully hurting You so! Forgive me for rejecting Your sacrificial death that cleansed me and atoned me.

When the memories of my past begin to rise up, when the shame for such begins to bubble up, I will remember the cross of Your suffering and death. I will remember that You have forgiven me that unpayable debt – that You have completely erased any mention of that sinful debt from Your record books. And instead of wallowing in the filthy mud of shame and remorse, I will praise You for Your grace, for Your mercy, for Your great love! I will glory in the fact that I stand before You wearing Heaven’s Robes of Righteousness! I will rejoice in the fact that I am Your unspoiled and pure daughter! I will stand before You humbly amazed that by His Own blood Yeshua made me His virgin bride.

Virgin. Pure. Clean. Unspoiled. Righteous. This is how You see me as I stand before Your Great Presence. No longer a debtor, but a member of Your Own Household! No longer an outsider, but Your Own Daughter! No longer a beggar, but a Princess!

In a sense, You don’t even see me as forgiven! You see me as one who has never sinned against You!

And all this BECAUSE Yeshua, God Almighty in human, visible form, willingly chose to be my sin sacrifice. You willingly chose to be my ransom.

Oh! What marvelous grace! Thank You, God of All Love, for such a priceless gift! Your priceless gift covered my unpayable debt. I am forever free. I am forever grateful.

Yes! Grasp and lay hold of the Reality of the clean, unspoiled righteousness in which you stand before Me! Remember this great spiritual Truth, especially when it “feels” the opposite in the fleshly realm.

You are completely forgiven. You are clean, pure, righteous, and highly favored, greatly loved!

If a beggar stands before a king, the king covers his nose from the stench and turns his eyes from the filth.

But you are not a beggar! You are a Princess, decked out with glorious Robes of Righteousness, perfumed with My Holy Spirit. To such I Am naturally drawn. To such I long to be near. To such I desire to always look upon in love!

You are beloved. You are My Beloved! Upon such a pure, clean bride I lavish all My Love, and to whom I give all of My Kingdom.

Would I give the Inheritance of Heaven to a filthy beggar? Never! You possess the Inheritance of Heaven because you are My Own. You are My Daughter. You are My Bride. You are My Friend.

Remember this Truth, and stand boldly as such in both realms – spiritual and physical. Allow no one or no thing to speak otherwise in your presence! Treat yourself as such. And allow no evil creature to speak to you or treat you as anything other than a Daughter of God and Citizen of My Kingdom.

Remember Who has the authority in every situation and at all times. Remember Me – The God of the Universe – and remember Whose you are! Mine!

No weapon formed against you shall prosper! They can not because of Whose you are – because of what you are!

This is all a part of the Gift of Forgiveness that is yours. The effects and affects of Forgiveness are eternal and reach in all directions.

So walk in the completeness and in the given authority of My Forgiveness! Take your authority I have given you and use it. Bind Heaven’s enemies and send them to My feet to do with as I please.

No weapon formed against you, no enemy sent against you, no evil thing sent to harm you – none of these will prosper because you are Mine and you are righteous before Me. Nothing evil or filthy is permitted in My Kingdom – and you are in My Kingdom! How then can evil befall you?

A simple Truth – yet one difficult to truly realize, believe, and walk-out in the earth realm. But the Truth it is, and it can be completely walked-out if only you BELIEVE.

Remember, because of My Holy Spirit, I Am able to be with each of My disciples at all times. And if you are standing beside Me, and you are with Me, which evil spirit is foolish enough to come against Me?! I conquered them ALL, once and for all, through My death and resurrection.

Even before My physical death, the demons and evil spirits not only knew Who I Was, but they also knew the authority I had over them. They didn’t fight against Me! No, they trembled and begged Me not to send them to the pit of their destiny.

So it is now – and even more so. No only am I with you, I Am in you – you are My Temple. Any evil, which so foolishly attempts to harm My Temple, will immediately realize its great folly and doom.

Who dares come against Me or My anointed ones – anointed with My Own Spirit?!

Ponder these TRUTHS until they become an absolute part of your very framework… until these TRUTHS are so knit together with your conscious beliefs that you can not but live them!

All of this is but a small portion of the Inheritance of Heaven that is already yours. Accept it with a glad and thankful heart, and use it for My Glory!

In such I receive much joy and satisfaction!

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